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Ansible Inventory from VMWare
Published: 06-01-2014 | Author: Remy van Elst | Text only version of this article
❗ This post is over ten years old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed.
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This is a simple script which lets you use VMWare vCenter as a dynamic inventory for Ansible.
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Install PySphere:
pip install -U pysphere
Edit the script's login data and VCenter server FQDN:
server_fqdn = "vcenter.example.org"
server_username = "jdoe"
server_password = "secure_passw0rd"
Test it:
Get all powered on VM's:
python2 query.py --list
"no_group": {
"hosts": [
"local": [
Get one VM:
python2 query.py --host vm0032
"admin": "sysadmin@example.org",
"source_database": "VMWare"
Nonexistent VM:
python2 query.py --host nonexist
[Error]: [Object Not Found]: Could not find a VM named 'notexist'
Do a simple ansible ping:
ANSIBLE_HOSTS="/home/remy/git/vmware-ansible/query.py" ansible all -m ping
vm0032 | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
vm0034 | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
Either export the ANSIBLE_HOSTS variable to always use the VMWare inventory:
export ANSIBLE_HOSTS="/home/remy/git/vmware-ansible/query.py"
Or preface each ansible command:
ANSIBLE_HOSTS="/home/remy/git/vmware-ansible/query.py" ansible all -m apt -a "upgrade=safe"
Tested with both vCenter 5.1 and 5.5, Python 2.
Does not support grouping by datacenter or resource group
Thanks to JP Mens's article for the inspiration.
Tags: ansible , deployment , devops , python , software , vmware