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Published: 08-11-2012 | Author: Remy van Elst | Text only version of this article
❗ This post is over twelve years old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed.
Table of Contents
The script below is a script to clean a git repository. Either to see big files, or to remove them, and remove them from history.
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View the list of big files in the git repo and the git repo history (from the sourcecode repo of this website):
remy at sparcstation-20 in ~/repo/raymiiorg (master)
$ ~/bin/git-clean.sh df
All sizes are in kB's. The pack column is the size of the object, compressed, inside the pack file.
size pack SHA location
2051757 655294 7e94729f780724d3b00803b018199f137959630e includes/sec/dutch.txt
901683 901853 52e346e5ce9a2f4d9d531f93c082178684da4c72 images/smalldistro12.png
830998 827833 9afcd85c73a994ce1dc1e5daf1856113d6bf85f0 images/smalldistro10.png
799361 765804 a8e7d464fbb7e5159442b2644a4f60f6352bf238 content/downloads/packages/gource-0.38-2.x86_64.rpm
793898 763445 ea80fcf775a070e8d7c2b9375316f27cdac45bf6 content/downloads/packages/gource_0.38-1_amd64.deb
753400 746864 d9901f182cbd7090efe679847851027e1e05882c content/downloads/packages/logstalgia-1.0.3-2.x86_64.rpm
747480 743285 e5aa2be4d510c14c1e67f2c07dbcf812a95a0798 content/downloads/packages/logstalgia_1.0.3-1_amd64.deb
635854 636023 6e5c39dff693b861f25ec96ba16c5fe9700ec9c9 images/smalldistro3.png
443121 439081 4461b7489dcb46911e14376e37e7abbe335668a7 images/smalldistro2.png
395247 393304 47a6ab134240e2433310cc40d8909bd11cf80935 images/smalldistro7.png
Remove the file images/smalldistro12.png from the repo and rewrite the history (note the backslash in the filename):
remy at sparcstation-20 in ~/repo/raymiiorg (master)
$ ~/bin/git-clean.sh rm imagessmalldistro12.png
Removing Biggest file imagessmalldistro12.png from git repo
Rewrite 2f65a614583053c57934b1b9ad378b77ac1ddbb9 (259/259)
WARNING: Ref 'refs/heads/master' is unchanged
WARNING: Ref 'refs/remotes/origin/master' is unchanged
WARNING: Ref 'refs/remotes/origin/master' is unchanged
WARNING: Ref 'refs/stash' is unchanged
Counting objects: 2159, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (785/785), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2159/2159), done.
Total 2159 (delta 1366), reused 2152 (delta 1363)
Counting objects: 2159, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2148/2148), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2159/2159), done.
Total 2159 (delta 1368), reused 791 (delta 0)
Copy the script into a text file, chmod +x ./git-clean.sh
and run it. If you
do not run it from inside a git repository you will get an error.
The script
# Script to remove files from the git history.
# Execute this script in the git root directory
# For a size report: ./gitsize.sh df
# To remove the big files:
# use like: ./gitsize.sh rm $bigfilename
# Example: ./gitsize.sh rm includes/ubuntu-12.04.iso
# It will then search your git repo and remove all of it.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Remy van Elst
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if [ ! -e $1 ]; then
if [ -d .git ]; then
if [ $1 == "rm" ]; then
if [ ! -e $2 ]; then
echo "Removing Biggest file $2 from git repo"
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &&&& pwd )"
rm -rf .git/refs/original/
git filter-branch --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch $2" --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
rm -rf .git/refs/original/
git reflog expire --all --expire-unreachable=0
git repack -A -d
git prune
git gc --aggressive
echo "I need a file to remove..."
elif [ $1 == "df" ]; then
echo "All sizes are in kB's. The pack column is the size of the object, compressed, inside the pack file."
objects=`git verify-pack -v .git/objects/pack/pack-*.idx | grep -v chain | grep -v pack | sort -k3nr | head -n 10`
for y in $objects
# extract the size in bytes
size=$((`echo $y | cut -f 5 -d ' '`))
# extract the compressed size in bytes
compressedSize=$((`echo $y | cut -f 6 -d ' '`))
# extract the SHA
sha=`echo $y | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
# find the objects location in the repository tree
other=`git rev-list --all --objects | grep $sha`
#lineBreak=`echo -e "n"`
echo -e $output | column -t -s ', '
echo "Cannot find .git directory, exitting. This script should be ran from a git working dir."
exit 1
echo "Usage:"
echo " For a size report:"
echo " $0 df"
echo " "
echo " To remove a big file from git history:"
echo " $0 rm <filename>"
echo " Example, to remove the file "includes\ubuntu-12.04.iso":"
echo " $0 rm includes\ubuntu-12.04.iso"
echo " Made by Raymii.org. GPLv3 License"
Tags: bash
, clean
, git
, software