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Published: 15-09-2012 | Author: Remy van Elst | Text only version of this article
❗ This post is over twelve years old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed.
NutsManager is a power/gas/water usage tracker written in PHP. It uses a JSON text file for the values and the visual side is created with the excellent HTML5 Kickstart framework by Joshua Gatcke. The graphs are made with the flot framework.
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It helps me to keep track of my power usage, and shows me on which days I use a lot, and on which days I do not. That way, I know that a LAN party costs me a lot.
Download version 0.0.4
GitHub Page
- Program is now i18n compatible and has a Dutch and English translation.
- Full overview is now sorted by month.
- Fixed a bug where PHP takes variables as int. and not as float.
- Initial release
- 4 different measurement units:
- Power
- Discount priced power
- Gas
- Water
- Graph which shows the difference with the day before
- Overview of all values, sorted per month
- Average difference
- Average price
- Multilingual
- Pretty colours
Download zip file: https://github.com/RaymiiOrg/nutsmanager/zipball/master and unzip to webroot (/var/www).
Make sure json file is writable by webserver: chown www-data:www-date power.json
- (Or, chmod 777 power.json if you are lazy)
Change the price values for the power, gas and water in the functions.php file.
- Make sure you use a dot (.) and not a comma (,), php doesn't like comma's.
Set the language in the functions.php file.
- For english: language.en.php.
- For dutch: language.nl.php.
Start adding the values every day.
HTML5 Kickstart: https://github.com/joshuagatcke/HTML-KickStart
Flot: https://github.com/flot/flot